About the Organization
Unlike other book fairs organized here at Bhubaneswar and other places inside and outside the state, Kalinga Book Fair is a totally different kind of venture taken up exclusively by a group of woman and the fair has for the last 14 years been concentrating on ‘Books referring to all age groups’. 14 years ago speaker, writer, organizer late Sri Purnedu Mishra started this literacy conference with lots of hope and dream for the literary world and this year it has completed its long journey of years with the theme “vision and varieties are ways of expression. This exhibition started with the name of the Sishu Mohostav and with the dream it building a wonderful children’s library in the city. But after so many long years and gaining a lot of popularity we are not in a position to fulfill the dream of our founder for the children’s library. Bur still we are happy that which exhibition gathered only 12 stalls at its first year is now crowded with 90-100 stalls from all over India. And for all this success we are thankful to the publishers, book-sellers and above all to the great lovers of literature, who come to the grand every year and grace the occasion.